
American Legion Post 122


Bingo & Queen of Hearts

Our Legion hosts Bingo every Wednesday starting at 6:30pm until 8:30pm.  We do offer a meal that is donation funded.

Last game is Blackout Bingo and starts out with a jackpot for the winner.  We start with 49 numbers and if you win within that, you win the jackpot!  If not the jackpot rolls over to next week and we add another number to be called.  

Queen of Hearts - we sell tickets to win a chance at either free beverages or the jackpot.  Each week the jackpot is not won, it increases!

Come on out and try your chances!  

More details on the jackpot details for both Bingo and the Queen of Hearts can be found on our Post Maim Page or at our American Legion Facebook Page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/221490594693074